Sunday, December 30, 2012

Set an Intention and Follow Your Bliss for 2013

I am strictly against new year resolutions. They seem to be a way of positively not getting the result you want.  Intentions, on the other hand, are just that, intentions.  Intentions  leave a little wiggle room for mistakes and still the ability to move forward. It is a way of aiming your thoughts and energy on what you want, desire or intend and making the right choices to see it through. 

Lots of resolutions have to do with quitting a bad habit, such as smoking, or trying to lose  weight or going to the gym. It takes a while to break a bad habit while creating new and better ones, such as quitting smoking and instead having a green smoothie for breakfast every morning. If you say to yourself “as of January 1st I will no longer smoke and I will have a green smoothie everyday” and do not set yourself up for success by planning, and also realizing that it sometimes takes a bit of time and a few set backs to achieve your goals then you have doomed yourself for failure. On the other hand, if you set your intention on becoming a happier and healthier person and making the necessary changes in your life over the next year to reach that goal you may be met with far greater success. 

Prepare - If you know, for better nutrition, you want to add a green smoothie to your morning routine, check out a few recipes online with ingredients that appeal to you , buy the necessary ingredients, be sure your blender is up to speed, so to speak. Don’t forget to allow your self enough time in the morning to prepare it!

Go as slow as necessary - If you want to quit smoking, realize that for many people it doesn’t happen over night. Consider the patch or nicotine gum to help out in the beginning. Be kind to yourself and if you have setbacks, acknowledge them and keep moving forward.

Weight loss- If your goal is to shed those unwanted pounds, eating a nutritious diet of natural whole foods and adding exercise to your day is the best way to achieve this goal.  Fad diets make work in the short term but changing your mind set to know that your body needs fuel and natural whole foods is what it craves. Stay away from artificial and processed “foods” as much as possible. A plant based diet is a great way to lose weight and not be hungry while maintaining an active lifestyle.

Meditation - Adding twenty minutes of meditation to your day can help you attain all of your intentions. It calms the mind and helps to relieve stress and anxiety.  It lets you be alone in the moment with yourself. You may develop a deeper love for yourself which will allow you to stick with what ever intention you set because you know that you are worth it. 

Ultimately know that you are worth whatever intentions you set for yourself. This is your life. It’s up to you to follow your bliss, make every moment count by doing what makes you a healthier and happier person. 

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