Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sunday's post interrupted by Irene!

The wind is howling the rain is pouring and Irene is on her way. I am sitting here feeling somewhat trapped. This is a ridiculous thing actually. It is Sunday and I would probably just be lounging around, getting caught up on laundry, cleaning and other such boring activities whether it was raining or not. I think it is just the feeling of experiencing the power of nature and possibly being without power for extended periods of time that leaves me with the trapped feeling. Nature is amazing and awe inspiring and we never should underestimate its power. I love the beauty, the strength and the power but I also love the power that comes from the electric company. We so often take for granted that the laundry will get done, dinner will be hot and ready when we are, the dishes will be cleaned and the computer will be there, in all it's connected glory whenever we press a button. When my boys were little they loved it when the power went out. It meant sitting around together and playing cards or boardgames, reading out loud, cooking on the gas grill outside in the snow and everyone sleeping in the living room together to keep warm by the kerosene heater. Of course there would be candles at night and heating water over the kerosene heater to make hot cocoa. When the power came back on my youngest always wanted to pretend it didn't and keep living without it. It does bring a closeness that you forget about during your busy, electrically powered life. That being said, we now have a generator and the boys have grown up so we will see how this storm plays out for this Vegan Goddess on this lazy Sunday afternoon. : )

As I write this it makes me think of some of my favorite things. I am talking about the things I love and would hate to be without. Things that make my life easier or just more pleasant or tasty. Here are a few...

Follow Your Heart Brand Mozzarella Cheese
....Sorry Daiya fans, I think this is WAY better!

Vegenaise.....I use to be a hardcore nayonaise fan but veganiase has won me over.

Olivia's organic spring mix ....perfect for a quick delicious salad or topping to sandwich or burger.

Miso Master organic Mellow White Miso...this is my go to miso. I absolutely love it. It is the one that I use 90% of the time.

Lalibela Farm Organic, local, delicious, need I say more?

ShiKai Sandalwood Hand and Body Lotion and the Sandalwood Shower Gel plus the Color Reflect Shampoo and Conditioner....yes, I love this brand. The sandalwood fragrance smells so wonderful and the shampoo and conditioner work on my crazy ass hair!

Ecco Bella Natual Age Antidote Skin Cream...I don't like to admit it but yes I am there.

White link because I am just talking about plain old fashion white vinegar. I use it to clean glass, chrome and add it to my laundry if I have a very stinky load. There are lots of uses for this it!

Ecover cleaning products, including laundry detergent....I sometimes switch it up a bit with brands but I find the ecover brand to be cost effective and it does the job. I do not like the Dishwasher tablets though. They tend to not dissolve well and therefore not work well. : (

Kindle....I am a book-aholic! I love books and I love real books but this little device is wonderful for the books you want to read, maybe many times but don't want to save the actual book. I prefer my cookbooks, reference or text books in traditional form but every thing else can go on my kindle.

Toyota Prius....I seriously love my car. The gas milege is amazing, although when J drives it he gets better mpg than I do! It is cute as can be and has tons of room, which is deceiving by the look of the car. I have no doubt I will get another Prius when the time comes.

Well I guess that is it for now. I need to check on my laundry and prepare something for lunch. It has gotten so much more blustery just since I started typing this post. Tallulah is starting to get a little nervous. The lights have flickered a few times and I want to get things done while I can. If you are within Irene's striking zone...stay safe and be well.

***Edit*** We lost power directly before I pressed "publish." I didn't prepare anything for lunch nor finish my laundry. It has not been a fun experience. It is Tuesday evening and we are still without power. We have a generator that we can use for small things a little at a time and that is how I am posting this. It is inconvenient and annoying but we are all well and really the only hardship is the loss of power and because we have a well, the loss of water. (don't ever take your toilet for granted!) Hopefully we will get it back soon. I will post more then.

Thursday, August 25, 2011's what's for breakfast!

I like to have toast for breakfast. It's quick, easy and you can make it even if you are half asleep. I am curious as to the way others enjoy their toast. I guess I am sort of a purest. Mine is Ezekiel bread toasted pretty dark, but not burned, with a smear of Earth Balance. If I am really hungry I might top it with mashed avocado instead of the eb and maybe a bit of veganiase but it is not necessary. My husband likes peanut butter on his. Actually he loves peanut butter on his and sometimes a bit of jam. To me that is too much like a sandwich or too heavy or there is just something about it that is unappealing on toast. Maybe it takes away from the actual flavor of the toast? Yes, I think that is it! One of my sons likes almond butter, another likes cinnamon and yet another likes it any which way, including topped with pasta! What about you? Do you even like toast? How do you top it? If no one responds to this post I will assume that I am in the minority and live in a toast hating world. ; )

On to other things in the life of a busy Vegan Goddess... I still have not made the cupcakes! Last night when I got home I decided to make Quinoa Stuffed Peppers which is a bit time consuming. They were so worth it though. Bonus is that I get to have leftovers for lunch! I love when that happens. I will post the recipe in a bit but for now the picture will have to do.

Quinoa Stuffed Peppers

ps...I promise the Mojito cupcake recipe will be soon!

pss... Like A Vegan Goddess on facebook for more articles and information that is not posted here. : )

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Summer Fresh Lasagne....Yum!

When your harvest basket is abundant with a variety of fresh and delicious things you can't help but get creative. The harvest basket was my inspiration for this fresh, light and delicious lasagne. I actually can't wait to have the leftovers for lunch today! The mojito cupcakes didn't happen last night. I spent a great deal of time talking with my husband and sons about all that has been going on lately. I think it was productive and hopefully healing for those that needed it. Lesson taught and learned- You are not responsible for the actions of another person....only your own. What they say or do is totally their responsibility. You absolutely cannot change a person, you can speak your truth and in the end they will do or say what they want. Thank you and much love Jeanie for helping me to remember these things. In the end, between the talking, work and dinner prep I was pooped last night and after dinner plopped my butt on the couch. Cupcakes were not on my radar. Sad but true. At about 8:30 Jim was sure wishing I had made them as he was craving something sweet and cupcakey. I will give it another shot tonight. : )

Garden Fresh Summer Lasagne

2 medium eggplants cut into 1/2" circles
1 good size zucchini cut into 1/2" circles, or 2 smaller ones (you want equal eggplant and zucchini)
4 large juicy tomatoes sliced into 1/4" slices
1 T olive oil
1 large onion, chopped
4 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 cup fresh basil, rolled and sliced into very thin strips
1 lb extra firm tofu
1 T mellow white miso
1/2 black pepper
1/2 block Follow Your Heart Mozzarella Cheese, shredded

Preheat oven to 425f

Spray baking sheets with olive oil spray. Lay zucchini and eggplant in a single layer on baking sheets. Bake for 20 minutes. Depending on the size of your baking sheets and oven you may have to do two batches. When done set aside. While veggies are cooking place skillet with olive oil over medium high heat, add onions and saute for about five minutes, add garlic and continue cooking for another couple of minutes. Remove from heat. Drain tofu and squeeze a bit with a towel or paper towel to remove excess water. With chunks at a time, squeeze the tofu between your fingers over the pan of onions and garlic. It should have the consistency of firm ricotta cheese. Add the miso and basil to the tofu, onion mixture and mix well. Add the black pepper to taste. Oil a lasagne pan or a large deep casserole. Place a layer of eggplant on the bottom of the pan, overlapping if necessary to make it fit. Then top eggplant with a layer of tomatoes. Next, add the tofu and onion mixture, then a layer of zucchini, again overlapping if necessary. Top zucchini with a layer of tomatoes and then finally cover with mozzarella cheese. Bake at 425 for about 20 minutes. Serve with some crusty bread, Molto Delicioso!

Monday, August 22, 2011

This Mercury retrograde stuff is playing with my sanity.

This vegan goddess is worn out. Things have gotten a bit crazy in my personal life and it is taking a toll on every other aspect of my life. I don't usually get too personal on this blog and I am not going to start now. I just wanted put it out there that I am in fact human and can only be pushed so far before I, in the words of my darling husband, come unspun. Be ain't pretty. Meditation is my best friend lately as I search for quiet contentment and an inner peace. I am strong and full of love ...I will speak my truth and let the rest happen.

I am moving on and will focus on other things today. The first is....Mojito cupcakes. The second is a garden fresh summer lasagna. Seriously, how could that not put a smile on your face? I will be picking up the fresh mint, and rum for the cupcakes while I am out and about today. The ingredients for the lasagna will come fresh from the garden. Both are new recipes so I will post them, along with pictures after we taste test them. is August and obviously still summer but it is so cold. I woke up this morning to a temperature, inside my house, of 62 degrees! It was in the forties outside! I adore Autumn...truly adore it. The wonderful smells, the beautiful colors, the warm and comforting foods and is a season I can't imagine living without. That being said, I don't really want it sneaking in on my summer!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

It is nice to be noticed....

Last night, "A Vegan Goddess" facebook fan posted a link on my page with the subject line "here's a write up about your blog." I clicked and low and behold it was! How cool is that? It is a local piece but hey, this is the internet, local doesn't mean local anymore. Thank you Maggie Knowles! You made my night last night and my morning this morning! I am very happy you are enjoying my blog.

What I'm Reading Now: A Local Goddess and International Beauty Spread the Word

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Wednesday Weirdness and Tofu with Sweet and Sour Sauce

Wow, what a crazy day at work. Super busy and people were just not feeling quite themselves for a variety of reasons. It was an odd feeling that made for an odd day. I got home tired and worn out. I didn't much feel like thinking of dinner let alone preparing it. Plus, I had the added delight of a disaster area of a kitchen! My currently unemployed, twenty year old son has the task of tidying up. You know, unload the dishwasher, reload if necessary, take the trash, simple things that mean a lot when you come home tired. He had done absolutely nothing and actually created messes in the kitchen. So now, not only was I tired, I was angry. Great, I do not like to cook while angry for I feel it imparts that energy into the food. After a few deep breaths I decided to run to the store for some fresh pineapple for a Tofu with Sweet and Sour Sauce. The trip dissipated some of the anger and allowed me to focus on creating dinner. I also picked up a bottle of wine. ;) Tofu with sweet and sour sauce may become my "go to" meal at the end of a bad day when I am in need of a little mindless cooking and contemplation.

Tofu with Sweet and Sour Sauce

1 fresh juicy pineapple, core, sliced and cut into cubes. Save all the juice and add water to it to equal 2/3 cup.
1 lb xtra firm tofu (cut into 1" cubes)
1/4 cup tamari
1/4 cup agave or 3 packets stevia
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
2 T arrowroot
1 large or 2 medium onions, chopped
3 peppers, 1 each red, yellow, orange, cut into chunks
2 large cloves garlic, minced
1 thumbnail size piece of fresh ginger ( about 1 t) minced
olive oil

Saute tofu in olive oil over med high to high heat until golden. While cooking tofu combine liquid (plus stevia packets if using) ingredients plus arrowroot in bowl and set aside. When tofu is golden remove from pan, add onions and cook until tender, add peppers and cook until tender-crisp, add garlic and ginger and cook for 1 or 2 more minutes. Add pineapple, tofu and liquid, stir and cook until thickened. Serve over your favorite rice...I prefer short grain brown.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

It's Summer....Pesto Time!

Right now our garden is filled with bright green, beautiful basil. I love this stuff! Basil is by far one of my favorite herbs. When I have this much of it I always make lots of pesto...also one of my favorite things. I truly believe that a good pesto would make even the sole of a shoe taste good! ; ) It is fast and easy and you can do so many things with it. This recipe is easily enough for two pounds of pasta or at least four pizzas or maybe a couple of pizzas and a potato salad...what ever your heart desires. You can freeze what ever portion you don't use right away for future use. Thank goodness because I plan on making a lot!

Fresh Summer Pesto

2 cups packed fresh basil
1 cup packed fresh baby spinach or kale (could use 1/2 cup frozen in a pinch)
1/2 cup raw cashews
2 T mellow white miso (or to taste)
2 cloves fresh garlic
3 T extra virgin olive oil
freshly ground black pepper to taste

Throw all ingredients in food processor and process until smooth. If pesto is too thick add a bit of water while processing until you reach your desired consistency.

Health Benefits of Pesto -

The flavonoids in basil protect cell and chromosomes from radiation and oxygen-based damage. Basil's volatile oils also have anti-bacterial properties that protect against unwanted bacterial growth. The oils also have an anti-inflammatory effect. It seems to block the enzyme cyclooxygenase (COX). This is the same enzyme that over-the-counter NSAIDS block. Due to its vitamin A abundance it is also good for your heart by preventing free radicals from oxidizing in cholesterol...which is when it becomes sticky! Heart healthy as well as delicious!

Miso is high in zinc which is needed for a healthy immune system and wound healing. It also has a good supply of copper and manganese which are needed in energy production and antioxidant defenses. Copper also contributes to the flexibility in blood vessels, bones and joints and produce the skin and hair pigment melanin. Without copper, iron cannot be properly utilized in red blood cells. Eating miso has also been linked to lower instances of breast cancer.

Cashews are packed with 5 grams of protein per 1/4 cup and high in iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper and a very good nut to crack...haha! With many of the same minerals as miso cashews already pack a nutritional punch but they also have magnesium, a heart healthy mineral, which also protects against high blood pressure, muscle spasms and soreness as well as migraine headaches.

Garlic is one of those super foods. You know the foods that everyone is always talking about? Some of the many benefits are the strengthening the immune system. (eat a clove of garlic when you feel a cold coming and it just might prevent it from catching hold) It's anti-oxidant properties
help fight cancer and cancerous tumors. Science has proven that garlic contains compounds which have anti-tumor properties and help in slowing the growth of tumors and can also reduce their size! Garlic is heart healthy in many ways including helping to reduce cholesterol levels. It is also anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral... making it great for yeast infections, intestinal parasites and someone just trying to build their immune system and stay healthy. It is also said to be an aphrodisiac! Garlic produces an enzyme called nitric oxide synthase. Nitric oxide synthase is necessary to get an erection. Garlic stimulates the production of this enzyme in people who have lower levels of it. Who needs Viagra?!

Raw spinach is an
excellent source of fiber, folate, vitamin C, and vitamin A. Like basil spinach is loaded with cancer fighting flavonoids and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also heart healthy and an immune booster. Spinach also is a good source of vitamin k which is important for bone health, and in keeping the myelin sheath around our nerves in our brain healthy.