Thursday, March 24, 2011

What would you like to see?

I am curious. I can see that many, many people read this blog. The stats say that readership is actually steadily increasing but very few people leave comments or feedback. Is there anything in particular you would like to see, read about, have more information on, an omni recipe veganized, a particular food in a recipe, info about vegan nutrition, etc?

Please take a moment and tell me what you think or would like to see. I am pretty sure you can just log in with facebook...look for box above and to the right ----> Or maybe you don't even have to log in at all...I am not sure.

Thank you for reading my blog and hopefully giving me some insight as to what you like, dislike or would like to see. Enjoy your Thursday. : )


  1. What I like about your blog is that you're a vegan Mainer! I'm moving to the Midcoast/Downeast area very soon, and it's nice to check out what some other vegans are doing in the area. Keep up the good work :)

  2. Welcome to Maine and thank you and I will! : )

  3. I'm a lurker, my bad! I love your blog and your Irish whiskey cake has made me very popular at family reunions, too!

  4. There is nothing wrong with lurking. : ) But it is good to know what people think. I am glad you like the cake recipe. My family loves it too. Nothing like a little whiskey to keep family members friendly, lol.
