Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Marvelous Magic of Meditation

It's not actually magic, but it is marvelous!

If you suffer from anxiety, depression, nervousness, or stress and have never meditated, you might want to give it a try.  It can be as simple as a prayer, saying the rosary can be very meditative, or something a bit more "classic" with breath focus or guided imagery.  The kind of meditation you do doesn't really matter as long as it feels right and works for you. Meditation enables you to quiet the mind of its incessant chatter so that you may then think clearly and calmly in your everyday life.  Often times when  you sit down to meditate and allow yourself to be there, completely present in that meditation and just be, it feels as though a weight has been lifted from your shoulders. You are able to look at what ever was causing you stress with completely different eyes.  Your life becomes more peaceful and joyous simply because you are present and able to enjoy it.  Breath is an important function for our minds, bodies and spirits...slow, soothing breaths bring us needed oxygen but also calmness and peace.  Twenty minutes a day for 21 days can create a habit that you will never regret.

There are many guided meditations on the internet, just google guided meditation and will receive more than you need.  Or you can do something as simple as, sit in a comfortable upright position, palms resting lightly on your thighs, eyes closed.  Breathing comfortably through your nose, inhale while saying (in your head) something like - one or peace or love, exhale, while saying two or love or kindness.  What ever works for you.  If your mind starts wandering, which it will do, acknowledge your thoughts with kindness and bring your mind back to your chosen words. You can start with three to five minutes and work your way to twenty over time. 

Give it a try.  I would never steer you wrong. <3 br="">

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